
Evaluating climate change impacts on ground/surface water sustainability across continental Canada

Final test stages underway, watch for public launch soon


Geological datasets for building models


Geological datasets for building models

Climate forcing


Historical and Future Climate forcing

HydroGeoSphere models


3D HydroGeoSphere models

Hydrological Projections


Mid- and End-Century Hydrological Projections


A continental scale framework will be available to support a decision support system (DSS) that can support community-based information dissemination and interrogation. The modelling of groundwater-surface-water will be based on the HydroGeoSphere platform. The online DSS platform will provide a window to the model results and provide information accessible to the nontechnical user at public, community, watershed management level, and higher governmental levels.

Illustrative outputs through the DSS are climate change impacts to Canadian water resources (surface water and groundwater), including how flood and drought frequency may potentially change, for mid- and end-century time intervals.

A fully integrated surface/groundwater model for all of continental Canada (Canada Continental Scale Model - CCSM) was initiated in 2009 using HydroGeoSphere (HGS). The first version of the CCSM was completed in 2020 (read more here). It demonstrated large-scale ground/surface water interactions and water balances, including regions in Canada's far north; where hydrologic monitoring data is extremely sparse, and yet where climate change impacts are anticipated to be most severe.

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